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Monday 7 July 2014

Zuniga subjected to racist death threats for ending Neymar's WC campaign

Colombian defender Juan Zuniga, who ended Brazilian ace Neymar`s World Cup campaign, has been on the receiving end of a string of racist death threats .

Hours after players read out anti- racist messages before the South American showdown, Zuniga was called `black b******`, `monkey` and `slave`, with several messages including threats to kill the defender.

There had been fears for Zuniga`s safety as Colombian officials flew the defender home after his team`s 2-1 loss to Brazil on Friday during the quarterfinal, the Daily Star reported.

The offensive insults came after the full-back charged into Neymar and fractured the striker`s vertebra.

Zuniga later apologised and said that he never meant to hurt Neymar.

However fans, fearing riots on the streets if Brazil goes out against Germany in the semi-final on Tuesday, were soon gunning for Zuniga.

A fan tweeted `Zuniga you f***** black scrotum`, adding that scumbags die early and that he would kill the defender.

The Tweet also called Zuniga a `black mother f****r` and a `f***in c**k-sucking whore`.

Other fans also tweeted death treats for the defender with some calling him a `monkey from Colombia` that robbed Neymar`s glory and also that this `f****** ugly Blackman deserves to be shot`.

In one image on Twitter two girls posed with kitchen knives with the words `where`s Zuniga, let`s kill Zuniga.`

The abuse continued with a fan posting that Zuniga can consider himself a dead man, adding that if no one kills him, witchcraft would.

Zuniga has locked the account now so that it can no longer be accessed, the report added.


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